Friday, July 24, 2009


I think I need a new blog start. Not that a new blog will actually get me to write regularly, but my old blog has fallen into being a place for whining, and I think that's not so good for me, and not so interesting for you. So, fresh start!

A bit about me. I'm a graduate student in biology at an Evil University. (Evil is certainly overstating it, but it's fun). I'm just starting my fourth year, and I'm struggling a lot with the "what am I going to do with my life" question. I spend my days in lab, a ridiculously long time on the train, and all my free time with my cats (Wesley and Evil Cat) and my boyfriend (from now on, SO).

I like to cook and bake, and to eat what I bake (not so much what I cook, because cake is just better than food). I read so very much, and would love any book recommendations that you may send my way. I like to hike, but am lazy. I love to travel, and to plan travel, so if you want a vacation planned, ask me! I'm trying to like to sew, but its a work in progress.

I have goals for self improvement, but I'm generally slow as making them. I'm trying to be more outgoing. It doesn't come naturally. I'm trying to keep my Chinese up and going. I took four semesters of it in college, but three years later, it's all melting away. (This is particularly bad because my SO's family speaks mainly in Chinese). I'm trying to get in better shape. I'm trying (off and on) to take a bit more care with my appearance. I'm trying to be a better drinker, because right now I have a beer and go to sleep, and that's just not much fun for anyone but me. I'm trying to be more organized and on top of things at work, so that I spend less time in lab but get more done. I'm trying to be less stressed, because it makes me do stupid things. I'm trying to start a blog that I will write in regularly.

I think that's me! How would you describe yourself?